Grams of beef, 3 table spoon of olive oil, 1 onion cut in fine
pieces, salt, pepper, 1 large cup of water, 100g of green pea,
parsley, ground cheese, 4 fresh eggs and 2 hard (boiled)-
a pan mixe the meat cut in fine pieces, onion, olive oil,
salt and pepper. Stir up time to time until the meat turns
a little bit russet. Add water and continue to cook during
15 mn. Add peas and leave it on Medium/Low heat until
the sauce becomes a little thick and solid.
Add garlic, a half tea spoon of curcuma (yellow spice
available in all grocery store same color as the curry
but in different flavor). Let it stand 5 MN. Extinguish
fire and leave it uncover during 10mn
on the oven to put the container which is the must appropriate
to you, (I have used, a cookies pan, you can use a round
Pyrex as well squares or rectangular). Add a little butter
to let melt just enough that the Tajine does not stick. |
Take ground parsley
+ hard-boiled eggs cut in small pieces + the chop
cheese well mixed
Add, to the mixture